Thursday, August 5, 2010

Totally off topic

I haven't posted in a while.  Oops.  Not having the internet has certainly been a hinderance, as has working and my keyboard on my laptop crapping out.  Also, the dog literally ate my AC adapter for the laptop so I have to be careful when I charge and use my computer.  That said, I'm still working on saving money (and finding out that things that I think are good might not be so great after all - more on that later as I'll have a lot more time this weekend), and I'm still working on going green, even if it's a little at a time.  I've made progress and made some strides, but it's going to be a slow process.

Speaking of going green, I saw something absolutely infuriating today.  I started Frankie on a new program of walking her to tire her out and having her sleep in the crate, because she keeps having accidents on the rug.  She'll be a year old in three weeks and she's still having accidents in the house.  Therefore - starting today - we walked at lunch in the pouring rain, then we too a 45 minute walk after I got home from work.

Anyway, on the afternoon walk, this person was walking down the street in front of us and threw her umbrella on the ground.  It had broken, and she tossed it on the ground.  I was so, so irritated by that.  I mean, I don't particularly love our neighborhood anyway - it's ok, it's a place to live, and it's not dangerous or anything, but the people around here are really dirtbags.  We're constantly finding chicken bones in the yard, garbage in the sreet, for whatever reason the end of the street smells like rotting fish and people literally toss their stuff on the ground.

So I'm sleeping again because I don't have to worry about the dog peeing in the house.  I'm writing again, because I'm actually able to use my computer and get on the internet.  And I'm cursing every idiot on this block because seriously - SERIOUSLY - I'm tired of people that don't care!

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